Thursday 27 April 2017

Fabric design

Fabrics designed by Vanessa Bell,one of the Bloomsbury set.
New fabric called Avelli from Designers Guild
This week I visited the Vanessa Bell exhibition at the Dulwich Picture Gallery in London. Vanessa Bell, sister of Virginia Woolf and the lover of artist Duncan Grant, who divided her time between Bloomsbury and Charleston, was multi-talented. She painted portraits and interiors and designed fabrics. I particularly like these dresses showing two of her designs which were for sale in the gallery shop. 

(Note to self - do not expect a two year old to be as enthusiastic about visiting a gallery as you are! My grandaughter just wanted to get out to go to the park. Fair enough!) 

Also this week I was happy to be called into neighbour Tara's Interior Design shop to see new designs by Designers Guild brought in by their rep. I fell for this cotton fabric, shown above, a mix of painterly flowers and digitally printed real flowers. So pretty!

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