Wednesday 19 August 2015


Stitched picture by Jenny Stacy
Stitched flower border by Jenny Stacy
'Five decorative embroidery stitches.' That's the name of the workshop tomorrow night. 

Admittedly it's been many years since I did any embroidery and I was a bit nervous to pick up a needle and thread again. First thought was that we would make needle cases from felt folded into books. But it was hard to get the needle through the felt so that was abandoned.

 Then a friend thought we should do a sampler. Specifically draw round our own hands and 
use various different stitches to decorate it - a bit like a henna party maybe...

Then I found an old linen sheet in the airing cupboard and discovered this makes a much better base for embroidery than felt. You can see lines in it to guide where the embroidery goes. So I sewed these two samples in the shop and I'm particularly pleased with the washing line idea. Very quick to do, so highly suitable for a two hour workshop. 

We'll learn those 'Five Decorative embroidery stitches' first and then everyone will be let loose on a piece of old linen sheet and the mountain of embroidery silks. People can choose what to stitch. Maybe a hand, maybe a washing line or they may prefer to sew their own designs.

1 comment:

molebags said...

love the washing line, hope everyone enjoys it.